Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update - September 13

Arts and crafts for Lydia's room! That's a picture of her Great-Great Grandma Lydia!

Snuggle times!

Out of the baby toaster and into a crib!

Pretty outfit from Carrie Keegan!

Bumblebee hat made by Aunt Carola!

It’s been a few days since an update and that’s mostly because everything is OK and nothing really is all that new.

Since Wednesday, Lydia has been seizure free and hasn’t had any drops in her oxygen! She is on a very little bit of oxygen every now and then when her level goes down slightly and doesn’t come back up, but it never goes down dangerously low, so she’s doing well. The new medication seems to be controlling her seizures very well. They’re not sure if that’s in combination with the old medication or not, but they’re allowing the level of the old medication to go down slowly. We’re hoping that allowing the old medication level to go down won’t cause any more seizures. Please continue to pray that this is the case - that the one new medication will control her seizures.

We still haven’t met with the surgeon, but we’re hoping to have surgery scheduled for early/mid this week. If all goes well and she recovers well without having more seizures or drops in her oxygen levels (so, in other words, if all goes PERFECTLY) she might be home by this weekend. We know that God can work perfection, so please pray that it will be so. We really want her home, but we want her home safely most of all.

She was awake a lot tonight and was looking around and moving her head, arms and legs more than in a while. We love seeing her beautiful blue eyes and have her pull her arms and legs away from us when we try to move them for her.

I wept through much of church today, as worship was focused around the holiness of God. To declare His holiness is to declare Him and His will perfect and it’s difficult to do while walking any hard road. But to know He is holy and that every moment of our lives and her life rest in His perfect control brings comfort beyond words and release that is both heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time.

We continue to rest in that knowledge, but pray in faith for her healing as we know so many of you continue to do.

We’ll keep you posted as we hear more about diagnosis, surgery and homecoming and really can’t wait for all of you to meet her!

Thank you so much for your prayers.

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